Monday, April 14, 2008

A Day in the Life.

We were on the way to my parents house for dinner on Sunday. The boys asked what city we were going to. "Sandy," was the reply. Little Max, at age 2, asks, "Is there lots of sand there?" Smart kid!
Jack, age 4, came running out of his room naked. He did this sort of slap-dance in the kitchen for Bill and I. We were belly laughing, it was so funny. Bill asked, "So what is this dance called?"
Jack says, "It's the Moby Dick Dance!" Doubled over in laughter, we could hardly contain ourselves. When asked where he heard about Moby Dick, Jack said he heard about it on TV. Who says television isn't educational? :)
Children are such a joy, but I must say that today, they were a stress. Max and his cousin Addi decided to go on a walk. They went missing for time, while I panicked trying to find them. Fortunately a neighbor down around the corner called and said she found them out walking. She felt concerned. It was so relieved and so mad at the same time. Arrr...


Natalie Que said...

YAY! You are bloggers! FINALLY! This is truly so exciting, now we just might stay in touch again! You can go to my blog by clicking on my blue name above. My family page is Rileyfamily, my cooking blog is Hot Garlic, though you might see pics of chicken on there so don't go to it! Just kidding! How have you been? I am so happy to hear from you, I'll write more when I reply to your email, but here go for now. Congratulations, and welcome -you have arrived!

Natalie Que said...

PS: My template {background} takes a while to show up on your screen, just be patient! That is why you thought you couldn't read the text. The orange background hadn't made it's self known yet -yes, my text is white so it doesn't show until the background shows.

Jenn said...

YEAH! We love it! Sorry- you will be overwhelmed with Jenn-comments. the internet is my only sanctuary. You are too cute. LOVE YOUR KIDS!

Anne-Elizabeth said...

What's up sullivan's? Saw you on the burbidge's blog! We haven't seen you guys for so long. We would love to see you guys.
-anne and shawn

Rencher Fam said...

Hi Misty! I just found your blog through Misty's! So fun to see your cute kids!

Alisa said...

Ok, I found you! This blog needs an update!