Monday, November 24, 2008

A Tribute

After being very ill, it took almost 3 weeks to feel back into life again. It was a sobering time. I was grumpy and miserable and short-tempered and impatient. I didn't feel like going anywhere (we missed a couple of days of school just so I didn't have to drive--pathetic!) or doing anything (thus my house was a wreck and no yummy dinners to enjoy...and on... and on...)

This period of time allowed me to think about those who are in pain or ill long-term. How do they do it? How do they survive and keep going? There are many in the hospital and many at home, many we do not see or cannot know, but they are suffering and surviving. So for all those mothers that survive suffering, here is a tribute to you. You are inspiring. You can keep going. Thank you for your pain for in it others gain strength.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

3 weeks?! Misty, I feel bad, I didn't know you were feeling this lousy for 3 weeks, you sure hid it well. I'm glad you're feeling better. Hopefully that was it for the winter!